Sunday, November 14, 2021


 昨天,我发现了我2008年写的文章,题目为“勇气”。 以下便是来自2008年,12岁的我 :)




另一个我需要面对的,便是自己。古人说:“最大的敌人,其实就在眼前:自己。” 世界上有好多人都不敢勇敢地面对自己。我也不例外。人生难免会遇到许许多多的挫折。人生就比如起伏不平的潮水一样。遇到挫折的时候,有些人会告诉自己要坚强;有些人会选择逃避;还有些人甚者会崩溃。可以坚强去面对的人,是因为他们已鼓起勇气,已准备要勇敢直前;那些选择逃避的人不是没有勇气,只是不够而已;而那些崩溃的,是因为他们害怕面对自己,面对周边的人,更重要的是,害怕面对现实。他们或许一直活在自己所建立的世界里,害怕‘逃’出去。为什么呢?因为他们往往怀疑自己的勇气。 








Friday, October 29, 2021



前几天我和闺蜜去了ANDAZ留宿 (Staycation) 了2天1夜。这让我顺利的利用了100元的旅游消费卷!成功!


ANDAZ 的第39楼有一个观景台,让游客们欣赏一下新加坡的景色。我们晚上在游泳池游泳时也能够观看新加坡的夜景和星空。我在享受当下的顿时,我领悟到:“活着真幸运!It's so good to be alive!”。 






祝贺我们有一个丰富的旅程 :) 

Friday, October 15, 2021



回家的路上,我拖着不合适的拖鞋一步一步的蔓延回家。虽然只是一双¥10的拖鞋,但我也悟到了一个蛮深刻的道理:不合适的,别勉强。 就算再漂亮,再耀眼的高跟鞋,再华丽的球鞋,若不合脚,那就别穿了。穿久了,反而会受伤,难过。 







Saturday, September 18, 2021






1. 学会说不


- 朋友邀约某天去吃饭,但是实在太累了,其实只想自己呆在家里。。。那么就学会拒绝吧。

- 家人或朋友让你帮他们做某某事情,如果不想要或者没有办法就拒绝吧。

- 太多聚餐,太多加班?慢慢的拒绝掉吧。


2. 学会尊重别人的意见的同时,别忘了尊重自己的意见和感受


3. 学会聆听自己的心声



Monday, August 9, 2021

Finding the joy of life

I remember having a such conversation with one of my close friend: 

Me: Now that I've graduated and there are no mandated check points, I feel kinda lost. Like there are no goals for me to work towards to anymore. 

Friend: yeah me too, feels strange now that the goal getter does not know what work towards. 


For almost 2 years, I have struggled to find what my next goal was and I have been bumping around like a pin ball so desperately trying to find something that was 'worthy' for me to pursue. It was a new kind of anxiety that I experienced when I did not know what to do and did not know what my next step shall be. 

Have you felt similar frustration when you see your peers moving on to their next stage of their lives and you felt trapped at where you are? And with that anxiety, did you that make you also want to follow whatever that they are doing so that you seem that you are not wasting your life away? 

Count me in! However, blindly chasing after what other's pursued only amplifies my fear of missing out (FOMO) and would not help you or me find what sparks joy and the purpose in our lives. The foolishness only made me more frustrated with myself and my spiritual animal became a headless chicken - running all around the place without a specific goal in the end. 

Practicing mindfulness and being aware of my micro-motives in life helped in fine-tuning what sparked joy and what did not. It took me a long time to realise that I was trying to imitate the lives of others and not living my own - what makes others happy may not make me happy. And who knows? Are those people whom I am imitating really living the kind of lives they want or are they also simply going with the flow? That's when I started to learn how to tune out external influences and focus on what really motivates me everyday. 

Here are some steps I am employing to filter our what's important in my life: 

1. Find out what doesn't spark joy and discard it. 

Just like Multiple choice questions (MCQ) in exams, it is easier to eliminate the wrong choices to better lead you to the correct answer. We can apply this in life too. (who says exams is not applicable to real life? :p). 

Along the way, as we search deep and hard enough, we may become aware of what we absolutely hate doing and what we don't mind doing. For me, knowing what I dislike is also a step forward in finding out what I may like doing :) 

I used to think that earning a lot of money may make me happier when I was stuck in my previous workplace. I thought that perhaps a fat pay cheque may dampen my unhappiness with the lack of growth and learning opportunities. Glad I did not make any stupid mistakes by joining them haha. Fast forward 2 years, I am now working at another place where there are more learning opportunities, growth and brain work. Pay wise? neh, still the same haha. BUT, I find my footsteps so much lighter and I am actually happy going to work, happy at work and happy at the end of the working day even if it was tiring. Thus, I kinda know what motivates me more - growth and learning. 

2. Have an open mind and be curious 

Adopt a curious and open mind. You will be amazed by how much you could learn when you do not confine your mind to a preconceived set of beliefs. 

I think it really helps to have an expansion mindset and believe that there are always opportunities to learn everywhere. If learning opportunities do not come to you, create it and find it. As long as we remain inquisitive, there will always be room to improve and grow. 

Slowly but surely, my mindset has begin to shift from a finite mindset to one where it believes in limitless growth potential. We are often not entirely confined by our external circumstances but rather the rigidity of our core beliefs about ourselves and the world. 

3. Be at peace where ever you are

Perhaps the greatest take away for me was joy comes when I am contented in all circumstances. That does not mean that I do not complain or do not grumble when I am placed in a place I do not want to be. But it means more self soothing talks and conscious adjustments of my monologue to one of more gratitude. It is a choice to be made so that my lenses are focused on things that are gratitude worthy instead of dwelling on the less-than-ideal part of things. 

When the heart is at peace, whatever disturbances that come along the way will always result in achieving equilibrium. A lot of unhappiness and stress originate from ourselves when we are unable to see things beyond what it is. When our mindsets are too fixated on the negatives, the entire outlook that follows will be bleak. Frustration is like a grey cloud that blurs your windscreen, causing all things to be moody. Hence, it is always important to be self-aware of any degrading thoughts and swipe them away before it becomes our life's permanent lenses. 


Am I still looking for the next goal in my life? Yeah of course haha ~ I still believe that it is important to have a goal to work towards in life to have more targeted growth. However, I am less anxious about finding it now because there are always mini goal posts along the way and the journey is not always futile. It is about tuning in to what I am joyful about and not about what I think would make me happy. As cliche as it is, always remember to smell the roses along the way :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


最近的生活好像有了好多突如其来的变化 - 是否好坏也当然取决于心态。

首先最大的变化便是工作的地方。我终于在呆了两年多的工作场所转了出来了。虽然说我起初想要去的地方并不是此地方,但从中也‘因祸得福’ 吧。有了成长的地方,再苦再累好像什么都值得。之前在同样地方一直呆着,每天犹如重复一日。。。什么动力好像都被消耗了。好在我解脱了👅



1. 学习像是逆水行舟,不进则退

当我们逆着水行驶时,一步努力活着不留意,舟便会顺水流漂流着。我发现我那最空闲的2年工作时候真的没有什么动力。之前的梦想也被岁月消耗掉。可怕的是,我还以为这种无所事事,重复一日的无聊生活或许是我想要的。 2年间,我并没有什么进取心,能准时放工就行 TT


很感恩的是:虽然说在新的工作里真的比较累,下班的时间也比较不一定 - 但最近我发觉我非常期待上班。原来,学习和成长是一种那么快乐的滋味儿。好久都没有这种感觉了。慢慢的我的学习的动力也恢复了:)


2. 想着改变别人,不如调和自己的心态



为了让自己心平气和的过日子,我决定调和我的心态。任何逆境和难相处的人都会是我们成长, 让我从中得到启发或着做人的原则。



Wednesday, June 23, 2021





1. 勇敢接受建议和批评





2. 接受自己的同时,别人才会接受你



当我接受自己的不足和缺陷的时候,心里是轻松的。好像有一块沉重的石头终于被落下来了,很是清爽。走出笼罩自己的自卑和不安的同时,我也好想开始比较能够包容其他人的不足之处。因为我发现,确实人无完人 -- 我们需要的都是无比的耐心和包容心。


3. 自己的努力和成功不需要别人的夸奖





好啦,就写到这里吧。希望25岁这一年会过的更加充实和更有真实感。未来的我还是一个问号,但我现在就是将要成为未来的我。学会活在当下,感受每一刻所赐的,迈向更好的我 ❤

Monday, June 7, 2021

Learn conversational Teochew at Udemy!

Hi everyone! 

I wanted to share with you guys a new course that I've created for you to kick off conversational Teochew. It is an online course that consists of 10 easy to follow lecture series. 

You can find the course link here:

So what exactly inspired me to do this? 

Firstly, when I searched around google, there aren't many places offering Teochew language courses online and I thought it would be interesting to create one. The purpose of the course isn't for you to obtain mastery over this dialect but rather a stepping stone for you to start being fluent in the language. It is organised into bite size topics so that you are able to digest the information better. 

Secondly, being in a healthcare profession myself, being able to speak dialect can sometimes help to better communicate with my patients. If you also meet a lot of elderly like myself, perhaps this course would be suitable for you to connect better with the old folks :) 

Lastly, no other way to put it but passion. Teochew dialect has beautiful intonations that are different the English language that we are used to. At the same time, I found it peculiarly intriguing that Teochew actually bore resemblance to Korean! I cannot explain how excited I felt when I was learning Korean and suddenly I was like "wait a minute.... isn't this the same as Teochew?!". Amazing right?! The excitement that ran through me when I saw the similarities between Mandarin, Korean and Teochew was unbelievable! 

Why should you enrol into this course: 

1. Value for money 

Signing up for a language course outside will easily cost you at least a couple of hundred bucks. With this on demand course, you are getting the basic course at a fraction of the course. 

2. On demand 

You know sometimes we just want to chill on certain days after a tiring day but paid classes may not let you do so. Make up classes may also require you to pay additional. However with this on demand course, you can watch and learn whenever you want :)

3. Easy to follow 

Translations are provided in English and sometimes in Mandarin for you to follow along. Pronunciations are typed out in English - similar to pinyin when learning Mandarin. 

Yes, it is my first ever creation and I'm definitely proud of it :) While it may pale in comparison to startups and being an entrepreneur, I am happy that I took the plunge and did something that I am passionate about. This push came after listening to the audio book "Daring Greatly" but Brene Brown. It encouraged me to dare to be vulnerable and try even if it may fail or if it may receive tonnes of uninspiring comments. If you are also thinking of doing something but your inner self is telling you all sorts of what-ifs, just do it (as long as its legal lol). Anyways, thanks for reading this post and I hope that you could support me in this one, it would be greatly appreciated :) see you around! 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Being conscious of our carbon footprints

I refer to the article posted by Straits Times "Discarded disposables in S'pore enough to fill 400 Olympic swimming pools" and I am appalled by the amount of waste generated by us. Of course, this could be fuelled by the lock downs and the need to dabao (takeaway) our food due to the COVID-19. 

In effort to reduce my carbon footprints, here are some things I did/didn't do to save the earth in my own little ways :) Following the old adage of reduce, reuse and recycle, here's my humble sharing. 

1. Reduce 

One of the best ways to save the environment is to cut down on consumption because that's the only sustainable way in the long run to reduce waste. Some things I did to reduce was to cut down on fast fashion. Looking through my Money Manager app, I'm really proud that I have not bought a single new piece of clothing since the start of this year. I am committed to continue to cut down on fast fashion due to environmental, financial as well as social implications. Shall not touch on them here today. 

As far as possible, I've opted for e-books, e-textbooks and digital note taking now instead of purchasing new books. For every new purchase of books, not only would the demand for natural resources increase, it would potentially clutter my space too. Initially, I was quite hesitant to port over to digital books as I very much like the feels of having a physical book with me. However, if I really do need the physical copy, I would search for second hand books or borrow from the library (reuse/recycle). 

Going back to the astonishing amount of disposable waste we generate, we can try our best to bring along reusable glass/plastic containers if we really need to dabao. I know it is really inconvenient and one might argue that the washing of the containers after that may increase water wastage, I think the latter problem may be a far outcry compared to the first. 

2. Reuse 

Reusing certain items may be an avenue for our creative brain juice to flow! For example, we could use old glass bottles as flower vase instead of buying a flower vase for the sole purpose of putting a flower 👅 Been there and done that and thus, I'm learning to be mindful of my daily consumptions and be more careful when making new purchases. 

For my upcoming new home with my fiance, I'm really happy and proud that my fiance actually agreed to purchase some second hand furnitures for our nest. While I understand that some (AKA our parents) may not really agree with second hand furnitures due to some beliefs, shopping at second hand shops can sometimes give you surprising cost savings! For example, my fiance and I managed to purchase a second hand and well maintained Rosewood antique study table for just $730 at Hock Siong. This is compared to the price quoted to us by another retailer who is selling the identical brand new table for almost $3k! *GASP* As long as you don't mind and the second hand piece is of acceptable quality, why not go for it! :) 

Apart from furnitures, I've started purchasing more pre-loved clothes and bags online as well. My recent purchase was a wedding gown for my pre-wedding shoot for $35 and a bag pack for $18. It took me some time to get over the mental hurdle of purchasing used goods but after some time, I'm very much convinced that reusing and repurposing items help to contribute to a more sustainable future. On the same note, my pre-loved goods are also put on sale on Carousell for a very affordable price to help them look for a new home. Do check out my Carousell store here:

3. Recycle 

Compared to other countries, Singapore's recycling rate is one of the lowest. This is despite our almost zero effort needed blue recycling bin given to every single household. What do I mean by almost zero effort? Let me explain: 

In Korea, one would have to sort out the different types of recyclables from normal waste and then bring it to the nearest recycling place to throw away the plastic. At the recycling place, there are different containers for different grades of plastic as not all plastic can be recycled. However, in Singapore, all we need to do is to ensure that the plastic are clean and dry before throwing into the blue bin without sorting out tediously. Despite this, many of whom I know still do not recycle. No judgement here, habits are difficult to build but I hope everyone can start to do their part because the earth is really heating up from our unconscious and unmindful exploitation of its resources. 

If you do not know what are the items that can be recycled, please check out this comprehensive list of recyclables/non recyclables here:

For more information about our nation wide recycling programme, you can also check out NEA's website here:

Since earth has given us so much benefits and comforts, shall we do a little part by making the effort to reduce, reuse and recycle please? :) Those little efforts may look insignificant but I assure you that everything counts! 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Skin care diet?!

 Hello everyone! It has been a while since I've last posted and today I wanna talk about my encounter with the term 'Skin care Diet'. You must be wondering like me like what the heck is a skin care diet?! I've only heard about dieting to lose weight thus far. 

TLDR: Skin care diet means stripping your skin care routine to the bare minimum. This made me excited because it means things could potentially become more minimalistic and fuss free for me! After being introduced this term by my friend, I decided to do some digging into this and some useful resources I've found would be Dr Dray, Liah Yoo etc on Youtube. Blogs include Fickle beauty which I've purchased my new set of skin care products from. 

Basically, after scouring through multiple resources, I've come to realised that I've been terribly duped by the skin care industry about needing tonnes of products for better and glowing skin! GUESS WHAT?! The greatest lie I've believed and bought into is that we absolutely need a toner in our regime! NO! Apparently, multiple aestheticians and dermatologists alike have mentioned that toner is not a must have in the skin care routine but rather an optional add on. 

Here are the most important steps in our skin care: 

1. Cleanser 

2. Mosturiser 

3. Sun screen 

At this point if you are not mind blown, it means that you have everything in order. I vividly recall myself slathering tonnes of products onto my face from toner, serum, essence, moisturiser, masks, sleeping mask sun screen onto my face every single day. Imagine how obese my skin would have become if our skin would put on weight with junk skin care.... 

With all that information, I've decided to sell/give away my toner and essences which did not benefit my skin condition. On top of that, I've also learnt that fragrance is a big no no in our skin care. This is especially important if you have sensitive skin like yours truly who tends to react to random things. Fragrance in the form of essential oils, parfumes etc can potentially irritate your skin and cause red bumps (yucks) and worsen acne.  

After contacting and sending her pictures of my horrendous looking skin, she patiently recommended me only 4 products (one of which is optional) to help to clear my skin. I also took pictures of the current skin care products I'm using and she told me which ones to cut off from my life. The experience was great as she was not pushy and did not recommend things I did not need. She explained the need for each different product and also mentioned that serum is not something that is necessary right now but if I would like to add it into my regime, it's ok too. So anyways, I got myself the cleanser, moisturiser and a sunscreen - all of which are fragrance free :) Oh, she said I could continue to use my mandelic acid toner (an AHA exfoliant) at night to help smoothen out my skin. 

She reassured me that NO MATTER what happens, I gotta keep to this new skin care diet for 14 days in order to see results. Should there be little to no improvement after 14 days with regards to my bumpy skin, she would recommending adding a BHA product into my regime. We shall see! Shall post a before and after photo for comparison and keep sake after 14 days :) stay tune! 

The 3 products cost me $80 dollars (free shipping!). Considering the price and the quantity of the product, I would say that it is in the mid range of being affordable. However, after doing some quick search on shoppee, I've managed to find cheaper options there. I guess it's justified for Fickle Beauty to charge a little bit more given that she gives tailored advice :) For that, I think I might just continue to purchase from her to support her. 

It has been about 3-4 days since I've started my new skin care routine and I must say that my skin looks less irritated and inflamed. The hormonal acne that I had are slowly fading and while there are still some visible bumps on my skin, I think (?) they are getting lesser. Fingers crossed! Will update again 14 days later, bye! 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

TOPIK 1 한국어 시험 :)

Hello! It has been a while since I've posted something as I was busy with studying for my Korean proficiency exam TOPIK 1. I finally took it today and yes it is done (for now). 

It was rather surreal to be sitting in an examination hall, faced with a Korean exam script because I would have never thought that I would be doing this even one year ago. Signing up for the test itself was rather impulsive because I felt that at that point of time, I needed something to challenge myself with. 

Before I even started studying Korean language, I did seek some opinions of people around me whether I should be studying Korean in the first place. Reasons why I should not study it was rather compelling - no practical usage, not going Korea to study, waste of time, will just give up after a while etc. To be honest, I was a little discouraged then when I heard all these and it kinda resisted me from signing up for any courses. However, looking back, I am definitely not regretting my decision and bravery for jumping out of my comfort zone and pursuing an interest even if there are no obvious tangible and practical benefits to it. 

Learning a new language has been a fruitful journey (still learning humbly because there's just wayyyy too much to learn :)) and I'm thankful for this experience because it has humbled me in many ways. It has taught me how to appreciate Korean cultural better, watch Korean cartoons and actually laughing at their korean dialogues etc. I don't even know where to begin to explain the little joys during this learning journey. Of course, the journey has not been entirely smooth sailing - there were times where I questioned my sanity as to why I am even learning Korean and times where I felt that I should give up when things got tough. However, I'm glad I've persevered and I hope that I would be able to continue to do so!

Apart from these little nuggets of joy, I would also like to encourage anyone to just go ahead and pursue your interests. Really. There will always be aunties, uncles, friends (whoever you can think of) who would discourage you from going for something you want just because they are limited by their world view. But hey, we are only limited by what we limit ourselves to right? The world is bigger than whatever we can comprehend and although it is scary, it is ok to push ourselves out of our comfort zones sometimes. Perhaps you would be able to discover something greater out there and get to know that you are capable of much bigger things. 

This would be a reminder to myself that when I am learning something new, do not let naysayers deter you. Don't give in to your insecurities, we are meant to push the invisible boundaries that we thought restricted us. However, as we adopt the growth mindset, there is really nothing we cannot do (legal things ah). I'm not here to brag about the achievement or what, just really want to share and encourage everyone to take the leap of faith and do whatever you have always wanted to do. Be it drawing, dancing, a new sport etc, just do it! You will never know what you could ever achieve unless you try to do it :) 

Another take away is that we don't necessary have to do something that is productive or practical. Life is more than being a output machine and we are more than being just measured by what we could contribute. Granted, learning this new language does not have any tangible benefits - it does not help me with my line of work, neither would it help with my daily lives, but what I've gained is a new perspective to this world, an enjoyment of a beautiful language and most importantly, watching K-drama without subtitles eventually. hehe. Don't let people's yardstick be our yardsticks. I guess we are all used to living the prim and proper life and follow the life charted out for us. However, we would never be able to discover the wild flowers blooming at the corner of the sidewalk if we decide not to be courageous and venture. 

In life, there will always be tons of people giving you advice whether you asked for it or not. E.g. When to get a bf, when to get married, how to give birth, how to feed the child, how many children you have, how you should be a female, how you should dress etc. IMO, just screw it. This is our lives and we ought to be focused and live authentically and genuinely. Take the good advice and filter out the useless chatter. Live freely :) 

Alright, that's all for the random and rather out of point blog post that went from Korean test to life LOL. I'm excited about how things would turn out and I really can't wait for the day that I would be able to watch K-drama without subtitles :) 화아팅! 


 最近好像是昏昏噩噩的让时间漂流。时儿清醒,时儿发呆。有时候也纳闷,努力到底是为了什么成就?成就背后的心酸有谁能了解;成就过后的云烟有谁能留得住? 今天早上我终于写了我的韩文作文😅 2-3月去了我才交上我的稿,真实惭愧哈哈。现在我的韩文情况我也不知道如何描述。。。不进也不退吧。...