Thursday, December 31, 2020

Looking back at 2020

It is almost mandatory to do a reflection on 2020 when it comes to the end of the year betul? To make the post more readable and also to facilitate my reflection, i'll be breaking the post up into categories :) 


So the greatest change this year was that after I've received the coveted sapphire stone, I've evolved into T's fiance! We have been dating for about 2.5 years now and when he asked, I gotta catch him all! ✌

It has been a challenging year as per other couples especially during the circuit breaker period. I was down with dengue and we couldn't meet unless through Facetime and that was really sad :( But through that period, I think both of us grew more secure in the relationship and I guess how we both pokemons got to evolve. 


As per my previous blog post (sry it's in chinese haha), I talked about how I gave away almost 3-4 bags of clothings. During that process of Marie-kondo-ing, I've realised how wasteful I've been and what a hoarder I was/am LOL. (i'm still very much a work in progress haha).

One of the largest reason for my diverse (read ridiculous) collection of clothings was that I believed things could buy me happiness subconsciously. That meant that whenever I felt unhappy or emotionally insecure, I would buy stuff... while the things that I buy don't usually cost a bomb, these little costs add up and amount to a lot of money. Being more aware of taking care of the environment also helps me to be more conscious about my consumption.

Somewhere along September this year, I really told myself that I NEED TO STOP BUYING unnecessary things! First, I'm contributing more to the waste generation and indirectly killing the environment and secondly, these material goods will never buy me the happiness that I want! While it would definitely sound impressive if i were to say that I stopped buying anything immediately, I didn't. Instead, I gave myself small milestones: 

1. I am only allowed to buy 1 piece of clothing every 2 months. 

2. Give myself 1 month to think before I make the purchase. If I still want it after 1 month, then go for it. If not then don't buy it. This prevents me from making impulsive decisions especially when retailers throw their marketing strategies at you. **of course, i still fail at times** 

So far I don't think I've bought anything unnecessary for the past 2 months and I'm proud of myself that I've not succumbed to the x'mas and new year's sale tactics thus far (fingers crossed).

Overall, it has been an upward learning curve this year as I learn how to manage my expenditure and maximise my savings rate especially with my wedding and renovation coming up. Across the year, my frivolous expenditure has dipped although I saw my necessary expenditure going up! Onward soldier! 


Work has always meant to glorify God but ever since it has been tainted by sin, men has always suffered from the futility of work. 

For many months, I wrestled with myself. I wondered almost everyday if I chose the wrong profession or if I was simply just not good enough? Why weren't my efforts not recognised by my bosses despite putting in my best efforts and even to the extent of pushing myself? Was I not working hard enough? Why are there unfair treatments in the workplace? Aren't we all the same? 

To be honest, many of these questions remain unanswered. However, through praying and reading christian books, one thing is for sure - God created work so that through work we can glorify him. The angst and anguish I've felt resulted from my misplaced self esteem. I placed my importance on human recognition and not on God's pleasure. I valued people's praises more than my creator's attention. My priorities were mixed up and my idolatry was simply to be recognised

To be fair, it is not wrong to be desire to be known. Don't we all want to be known by someone we love or for some talent we have? However, the problem lies at where we crave the attention from. One can never be satisfied even if the whole world's spot light is on you. One will somehow still feel incomplete and unaccomplished. What I've come to realise slowly was that when I work, I should work to please the audience of One. When the false god of success, achievement and fame shatters, let the one true God be enthrone. When I discovered the goodness of just seeking the attention of One, I felt the peace, and comfort that I've never felt before. My soul rested upon him. His yoke is indeed easy and burden is light.

To qualify, I am not saying that I no longer experience the futility and meaningless of work since then. Rather, whenever such pangs threaten to strike, I know that my work has a higher purpose and that even if I do not receive any praise or rewards from man, my reward is in heaven. 

if you guys are interested, i recommend reading "Every good endeavours" by Timothy Keller if you are feeling jaded and worn out :) 


It has been a humbling year for me - a year of lows and deep search of what it means to be friend and to have a friend. It's funny because I don't have many friends and yet this year I think the number just went down even further haha. 

Good friends help to sharpen each other and I'm really thankful for those few friends who stuck by me despite seeing the worst of me. As we go through disagreements, we learn how to respect each other and also to learn how to be a better friend to each other. I'm really glad that for those who are still here, our friendships got purer, deeper and kinder. 

But there are just a few friendships where no matter how hard I try, it makes me reconsider each time. In my opinion, true friends are there to celebrate your successes and are there for you when you are down. Hence, I struggle when I received more negativity and putting down compared to mutual encouragements. 

As I slowly learn to live life like a subtraction sum 减法生活, I realised that I really do not need toxic friends in my life. Some are friends I've known almost a decade or more and to be honest, it's really difficult to make the decision to let it go. However, I don't think it should carry on simply because every time we hang out, I end up leaving the meeting feeling more horrible about myself than ever. Sometimes I ended up having obsessive or anxious thoughts which were really difficult to deal with. That's really unnecessary. When I finally convinced myself that it is indeed a more prudent to remove that shrivelling branch, I felt more relief. 

Some other friends are not toxic but we just gradually grew apart. There is no space for either of us in our respective lives anymore. Perhaps it could be different phases in life or it could just be that our paths just continued to diverge. As the friendship grew apart, I remember trying every other month asking how have they been and remembering their special occasions. I tried arranging meet ups but it has often been met with the same excuse of being busy. Eventually I stopped asking altogether because I've realised that people who want to be in your life will make an effort to stay in life despite how busy they are. There's really no point forcing someone to stay in your life when they don't want to. It's sad but it's ok, we will all move on stronger :) 缘已尽

It's a reminder to myself that it is not the number of friends that I have but the quality of friendships that I develop.

Spiritual growth 

I'm definitely not proud of my spiritual life this year. I've had lots of emotional struggle and sometimes I blame God for those challenges. However, thank God that he never lets his wandering child away too long and always run towards the prodigal child whenever I decide to return. While I seldom get those spiritual highs like when I was younger, I'm thankful for a slow and steadfast peace from Him. 

As life got aimless and purposeless, God was there to be provide meaning. I am thankful for technology which allowed us to attend virtual church and discussion groups at the comfort of our homes. Thankful for BSF as I got to learn more about Genesis which is not just about how God created the earth but how he intended life for us. Praying that the Covid situation would get better and churches would reopen soon. 

Self development 

I'm proud of my Korean and Malay class progress so far! Hopefully I can keep this up next year as well :) It has been a fun filled journey learning the new languages and discovering how the language affects my thought processes as well. Looking forward to be able to finally watch korean dramas without subtitles :)

I'm still on the continuous journey of learning how to love and be kind to myself. Don't we beat ourselves up sometimes for the tiniest mistake and yet are much accepting to the faults of others sometimes? It's ok to make mistakes and the most important thing would be to learn from the mistake and move on. 

Lastly, I am also really glad that I've restarted blogging after so many years of hiatus. It reminded me how much I loved writing especially in chinese. I'll definitely blog more in chinese next year and I'm really excited :) 

okie that's all for this post! Happy New year everybody :] Will write another post on my plans and resolutions for the new year soon! 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

断舍离 Danshari ~ breaking away from the clutches of things


真的好久好久没有用中文发文章了。。。想一下,应该有10年吧?😵 希望今天的文章还是能够转达我心中的感悟。 

大家请看一看吧!这是我断舍离之前的衣柜和断舍离之后的衣柜。我依然还是又很多件衣服 - 其实变化真的没有网上Marie Kondo那一般的惊人。但是我还是对我迈出的第一步感到骄傲和欣慰:)




我总共捐了3-4袋的衣服吧。当我在分类衣服时,心中是蛮挣扎的。为什么呢?每当我看见一件好久没有穿上的衣服的时候,我总会联想起关于那件衣服的回忆或者是某种意义。比如说“啊,这是我在韩国旅行逛街时买的。。。这是我和男朋友第一次约会穿的。。。这是我在毕业典礼穿的。。。这是。。。可能以后可能有机会用到呢?” 等的理由会浮现在我的潜意识里。这是我一直以来无法成功整理我的衣柜的原因。 但是今天我还是下定了决心,把已经不适合我的或者买了从来不穿的衣服捐出去吧。


1. 快乐不应该取决于东西


原来,内心的知足来自于自我了解和成长。当心灵逐渐变得强大,我渐渐的明白来自于物品的快乐是极余短暂的,简直是昙花一现。当我明白简单其实很美好的时候,我发觉我越来越少以狂购来慰问我的心灵了。 Less is more :)

2. 不要成为物品的奴隶



3. 不要奢侈浪费


每当我丢一件,我会牢牢地提醒自己当时到底有多浪费。把这笔钱用于读书或者益于自我提升的课程岂不是更好吗?我现在还不是属于网红的断舍离的极端主义者,所以不能肯定的说我以后不会再买衣服。但是我认为以后如果真的要买的话,就要买自己会反复穿的衣服,而不是那种暂时时髦但很快就会退潮的fast fashion. 若要买的话,要问一下自己能够在不同场合穿吗?质量也要好,不然买了穿了不几下就得丢了,浪费。




Saturday, December 26, 2020

Learning korean! 한국어

It has officially been 1 year since I've embarked on my Korean language learning journey! As like all learning experiences, there's bound to be ups and downs and times where I felt that giving up. My Korean is definitely not super fluent due to the hiccups in the learning plan, but I'm really happy that I took the first step to sign up for a course despite all advices. 

千里之行,始于足下!This chinese idiom reminds me that a road of thousand miles starts with the first step I take. However much I ponder whether the journey is worth taking, I would never be able to obtain any form of achievements nor fulfilment if I do not take the first step of faith. 

Let me share about my experience in learning as well as the schools i've attended. 

Afraid that I was simply joining the K-language bandwagon because of my 2019 June Korea trip, I decided to go for a more affordable class at the community centre.

Braddell Heights Community Centre 

My first school is at Braddell Heights Community Centre which is located near Serangoon MRT or right beside NEX. It is pretty convenient for me and it takes about <20 minutes for me to commute. Since I was a beginner, I started off with Basic 1 course which consisted of 10 lessons. The price was about $135 and I had to pay an additional $35 (? cant really remember) for the materials. I continued with Basic 2 with a marginal increase in price. Let's talk about the pros and cons, shall we? :) 


  • The price point is really affordable and it is suitable for people who aren't sure whether they want to commit to learning this language and want a so called exploratory class. It works out to be around $15 dollars per class for about 2 hours. If you are a passion member and sign up online, you are entitled to 10% electronic discount :) 
  • If you live near the community centre, travelling shouldn't be too much of a hassle as well :)
  • Able to have make up class at other community centre should you miss your class.
    • of course this is subjected to the availability and also depends on the pace of other classes. May not be entirely the same according to some of the classmates who went for make up classes. 


  • You cannot choose your teacher or 선생님and there is no way you could find out who the teacher is until you start your class. 
  • Pace of class can be a little slow and frustrating. I noticed loads of repetition and sometimes I thought that it would be more enjoyable if the pace were to be faster. However that being said, I do see the value of repetition especially when one is learning a foreign language :)
  • Teacher to class size ratio is at 1:20. 
    • it really depends on your luck for this. My class had a ratio of 1:6-7 depending on whether there was students from make up class or not so it wasn't too big a class. However, should you get the 1:20 ratio class size, you may not have much time practicing to speak the new language or having the teacher's attention. 
  • This brings me to my next point which is little practice. Due to the larger class size, the teacher may not have time to focus on you and we have lesser air time to practice our korean. In my opinion, speaking a foreign language (albeit funny or wrong), is as important as studying the grammar rules and listening! 
  • Not much practice 
    • There wasn't any separate workbook for practice. Chaomugger kitty prefers somewhere where homework is given hehe. But this is just personal preference so its not really a con. 
You can click on the link below to find out more about korean classes held at the community centre. 

One PA Korean class

HANA korean class/ Crystal learning centre

So the hiccup that I mentioned at the start was none other than our bff of 2020 Covid-19 lol. Because of Covid, the gov imposed the circuit breaker and my advance Korean class was postponed indefinitely because of that. However, when we could resume in May, my korean teacher left the teaching post because of some personal reasons and my class was cancelled. While I did consider waiting and going to another community centre for the advance class, I thought it would be good to try out korean schools instead for the reasons mentioned above. 

Thus begin my journey to hunt for another class! 

I found HANA korean online via google search and I found many positive google reviews! Thus I decided to contact them and arrange for a class. The admin lady was friendly and was very serious in helping me to organise a class. After taking the placement test, we had a problem which was that they did not have any existing pre-intermediate classes available. She offered to contact me when the group was ready and had a minimum of 3 to go. 

The wait was probably almost a month or slightly more and initially we were settled on a physical class. However, due to the requests of one of the student, it became an online zoom class! To be honest, it was my first time having an online zoom class so I was rather hesitant and worried. I will share more later or perhaps the next post if this post gets too long. 

Let's jump in to the pros and cons:


  • One of the more affordable Korean language schools available. For pre-intermediate I paid about $275 for 10 lessons at 2 hours each. This is inclusive of the materials. This brings it up to about $13.75 per hour. 
  • Textbook and workbook provided unlike the community centre. 
  • Online class: super convenient since you are at home. 
  • Small class size of 1:3. There was enough airing time for all of us to read, speak and to answer questions. 
  • Friendly teacher and she is really patient with us! 
    • I guess it's the vibes? She doesn't give off the judgemental vibe which is really important for me as I get intimated easily. 
  • The nature of online class somehow makes the class less interactive? Perhaps I'm a little old school and thus would still prefer physical classes. 
  • Not as much speaking practice as I would have liked and as a result, my speaking skills is just mehh. 
  • as compared to the community centre, I felt that the pace of this class could be a little bit too fast instead. We complete one chapter per lesson but I felt that we could have possibly benefited more with extra practices and conversations. 
Unfortunately, the teacher could not continue teaching us for intermediate 1 because she gotta go off to take care of her grandchildren. So...there was a point of uncertainty again because there were no suitable teachers nor classes to teach us. 

It was beginning to feel a little bit frustrating because there were quite a bit of unforeseen disruptions. I felt that if learning couldn't be continuous, the retention of knowledge drops after a while. While the centre actively tried to look for new teachers to fill in the gap, I've noticed that the teachers are not living in Singapore which means the lessons would be held online. This could lead to potentially 2 issues. Firstly, the teacher may not be permanent and may need to change a new teacher again. Secondly, the online lessons does not seem to have that kind of interaction I would like to have. 

This is currently the school which I am attending. It is conveniently located at Kovan centre, directly above MacDonalds. It's tucked away on the second floor of the shop houses located above Macs. 

Initially, I was considering between HANA korean and Seoul Korean Language school for my pre-intermediate lessons. However, giamsiap me decided to go with HANA korean due to the cost savings. The difference in price was about $100 odd dollars which ain't much per lesson to be honest... 

Due to the changes in teachers in my previous school, I decided to go for Seoul Korean for the reasons below: 

  • Very close to my house ~10-15 minutes walk. It is very convenient and offers both online classes or physical classes. They gave me the option of switching to Zoom should I decide against physical classes later. 
  • Comprehensive online website which allows you to have self learning. 
  • Single teacher which means that I do not have to fear the lack of continuity and commitment. 
    • side note, she moved to Singapore about 11 years ago and is proficient in English. This makes learning a foreign language easier :) You can find out more about her qualifications via the school's website. 
  • efficient admin lady :) 
  • provides workbook and textbook. 
    • Interestingly, although I completed pre-intermediate at the previous school, my standard was still far below the pre-intermediate level after taking the placement test in this school >.< I ended up with Basic 4 haha. 
  • interactive class! The teacher would pull out pictures and carve out time for oral, picture description and also listening. What I really enjoyed especially was that she would ask me random things in Korean and I would try to reply her in Korean as well :) 

  • While comparing with Hana Korean, it is definitely more pricey but I guess it explains the better quality in teaching as well! 
  • I signed up for the private 1-1 lessons because I wanted more attention to brush up my basic korean before moving on the higher levels/taking TOPIK exams. 
    • I paid $805 for 10 lessons of 1.5 hours each inclusive of materials. 
      • The break down of the price includes $20 registration fee, $35 materials fees (worksheet + tb) and $750 for 10 lessons. 
      • If you sign up for 5 lessons only, it would be at the rate of $80 per lesson. 
      • This isn't really a con per say, but personally it was a more expensive investment in learning korean because I wouldn't be able to receive as much attention in a group setting. That being said, if you are interested in group lessons, they have several openings which you can check it out :) 
It has been my 3rd lesson so far and I'm lovin' it! (no pun intended hehe). 

I can't really explain that sense of joy or accomplishment when I realised that I could understand simple Korean sentences and I could converse simply with the teacher about daily life. Learning a new language opens up a different world and allows a peek into their culture and diversity. 

If all goes well, I hope to take the Korean TOPIK test next year and continue on with this school as long as possible. My end goal would be to be able to read a Korean book and to appreciate their literature. It has been an arduous journey thus far - looking for new schools and teachers after each course, but I do hope that this would be the one to stay :) Will update once I finish my 10 lessons !! 

What have I gotten out of this hunting experience? 

I think one thing that I've learnt throughout this hassle of comparing and finding different Korean school made me realise that the price tag of the class cannot be everything that I should consider. Different school provide different value added option and at the same time would come with its own set of problem. I have to be very clear about what I value and what exactly I want to achieve out of this. 

For me, it became clear to me that I value continuity, commitment and the learning experience. I desire to experience the language as a whole (culture, grammar, vocab, life etc) and not just a one way didactic learning. While price should be a consideration, if it fulfils what I am looking for I think I would gladly pay for it. 

And Merry Christmas ! :) 

Sunday, December 13, 2020


Lady luck was on my side and I managed to win a free night stay at PARKROYAL beach road hotel! Thanks, PARKROYAL for the staycation  

The hotel is opposite Arab street and within 10 minute’s walk from Bugis MRT station. There is also a bus stop in front of the hotel which is really convenient! So apart from trying out the restaurants within the hotel, you could always head out to Arab street and grab some middle eastern food! 

Check in process was seamless and the staff were polite and welcoming even though we were 2 hours early. While the hotel lobby is undergoing some face lift, it was inconspicuous and did not dampen the general ambience to the lobby.

The one-night stay includes a deluxe room with a king size bed and 2 complimentary breakfast. Look at how bigggg the bed is!! We were also given a complimentary goodie bag with masks, a bottle of hand sanitizer and a couple of wet wipes to ward off COVID. Hehe look at the two cute little gingerbread men dolled up as healthcare professionals to welcome us :> 

What was impressive was that they have removed bottled drinking water and added a filtered water system in the toilet to be environmentally friendly! While Singapore’s tap water is safe for direct consumption, the added filter system is an added boost. Hence, tourists need not fret about buying bulky 1L mineral water to boil for consumption. You have access to a direct drinking well! 

After putting down our barang-barang, we went the gym which was at Level 4. I would say that the gym is quite well equipped with a bar bell rack, a dozen of weights ranging from 1kg to even 25kg, machines and sufficient track mills and cycling machine.  For gym junkies out there, you won’t be disappointed! 

They also boast of a half an Olympic size pool with gorgeous backdrop featuring the Singapore flyer and marina bay sands. It was clean and wasn’t cluttered with too many people thanks to safe distancing measures. OH yes, they also hold floatfit classes at the pool that combines HIIT and yoga while balancing on the pool! Besides that, there is also a children’s play pool for kids to paddle around. 

Finally it was our long awaited breakfast! The layout of the cafe is beautiful!!!! It kinda slipped our mind that buffet breakfast was removed due to COVID so we were kinda disappointed. However, it was replaced with an ala-carte menu with a few main dishes to choose from. Each person is only entitled to one order. While they have a free flow portion, the items present were a little dull overall. Food was decent and was comparable to café brunches but in my opinion was not spectacular for what we have ordered. I can’t comment on the rest of the dishes because I didn’t try them. Although the breakfast situation wasn’t exciting due to the removal of the buffet, I actually think that this should be the way forward as it encourages less food wastage and better portion control for my greedy belly. 

My friend and I wanted to try out the Sichuan Dou Hua restaurant due to the Staycation perks but sadly it was fully booked  We then proceeded to check out, which was seamless as well.

Overall, I thought that it was a rather pleasant experience at Parkroyal Beach Road and would recommend any friends coming overseas (in future) to park themselves here while visiting Singapore. The hotel is situated centrally, and it is also a stone throw to many tourist attractions – definitely a plus point to those who prefer convenience. And if you think that the night is still young at 10 pm, head out to Arab street where many restaurants are still open for Alfresco dining and drinking experiences 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

My financial mistake in 2019/2020

 We all get a little reflective towards the end of the year, don’t we? This year flew by quickly and has been challenging for many due to COVID-19. While I was revisiting my finances and reflecting on what I could possibly do better in the upcoming year, here are some financial ‘mistakes’ which I have made >.<

1. Signing up for packages

As a fresh graduate with a pay cheque, I felt empowered. I was no longer the student who had to scrimp and save by doing part time jobs to do what I like. One of the first place I visited was a facial salon because of the number of pimples that popped up after my finals in 2019. While I thought I was saving myself some money by looking up a Fave voucher for the first trial, I couldn’t resist the persuasion AKA hard selling of the facial lady that I needed to have the 10 sessions of facial. 

By signing on a facial package, I was committed to pay about $200 plus for 6 months. In total, I think I paid around $1.2k ++ for my facial package. TT 

I guess this was one of the silent ways where lifestyle inflation happens. I thought I could afford something because I’m working, and I ended up getting it. Moving forward, I shall no sign anymore packages and I will blog about this in another blog post. 

2. Getting a phone contract plan 

Not long after getting my facial package, I thought I needed a new phone because the battery on my iphone 8 was depleting a little faster than usual. Thus, I upgraded to an Iphone 11 signing up for the cheapest Starhub plan. After 30% hub discount, my phone plan was at $32 per month while I had to top up $200 for my new phone after trading in my iphone 11. The phone plan I had gives me 6gb of free data every month and 100 minutes of outgoing call. The amount of data given is a far cry from most sim-only plan which is around 20 gb. 

Let’s do some math: After 24 months of the plan, I would have paid $768. Together with the $200 top up, I would have paid $968 for my iphone 11. While the absolute price is still cheaper than the original price of the iphone, getting a sim-card only plan gives me more data usage and better flexibility of switching. 

With a 2-year phone contract plan, there is a lock in period of 24 months which I have to fulfill. Failure to do so will mean additional costs incurred. Also, the 2 year contract plan subtlety hints at consumers to change their phones after the contract is up even when the phone is still functioning fine. Thus, this leads to excessive consumerism and wastage. 

When my contract is up next Nov, I hope I wouldn’t be persuaded by the market that I need a new phone again  

3. Impulsive buys 

They say women shop whenever they are upset. I thought it was a necessary evil to cheer myself up by buying a piece of clothing, a little jewelry etc. If I don’t pamper myself when I’m down, then who would right? 

Then I realized that I kept coming home with dresses that I wouldn’t wear on a regular basis and shoes which I wouldn’t wear enough to justify the price tag… I mean 2 pairs of those shoes are still in its original packaging lol. 

It took a while of soul searching to understand that all these material things wouldn’t be able to make me happy. Even the momentary euphoria of receiving a parcel from online shopping or bringing your shopping home wouldn’t last as long as I wanted it to. Instead of believing that materialism is the cure to my unhappiness, I should find out the source of the unhappiness instead. For me, that would be to pray and to journal down my thoughts. I found that these were the most effective ways of finding peace to my anxious soul again. 

Over the course of the year, I think I’ve improved quite a bit!  I’ve cut down on unnecessary impulse buys and I’ve been learning to give thanks to whatever I have. This also helps me to buy things only when I need it and not out of want. Embracing the culture of minimalism helps me declutter my wants and to focus on things that core to my wellbeing. In this day and age where we are bombarded by a plethora of products and marketing, it’s always good to pause and rediscover what really sparks joy. 

So here are the 3 main financial mistakes I’ve tripped on between 2019-2020, what are some of your ‘mistakes’? 


 最近好像是昏昏噩噩的让时间漂流。时儿清醒,时儿发呆。有时候也纳闷,努力到底是为了什么成就?成就背后的心酸有谁能了解;成就过后的云烟有谁能留得住? 今天早上我终于写了我的韩文作文😅 2-3月去了我才交上我的稿,真实惭愧哈哈。现在我的韩文情况我也不知道如何描述。。。不进也不退吧。...