Sunday, May 16, 2021

Skin care diet?!

 Hello everyone! It has been a while since I've last posted and today I wanna talk about my encounter with the term 'Skin care Diet'. You must be wondering like me like what the heck is a skin care diet?! I've only heard about dieting to lose weight thus far. 

TLDR: Skin care diet means stripping your skin care routine to the bare minimum. This made me excited because it means things could potentially become more minimalistic and fuss free for me! After being introduced this term by my friend, I decided to do some digging into this and some useful resources I've found would be Dr Dray, Liah Yoo etc on Youtube. Blogs include Fickle beauty which I've purchased my new set of skin care products from. 

Basically, after scouring through multiple resources, I've come to realised that I've been terribly duped by the skin care industry about needing tonnes of products for better and glowing skin! GUESS WHAT?! The greatest lie I've believed and bought into is that we absolutely need a toner in our regime! NO! Apparently, multiple aestheticians and dermatologists alike have mentioned that toner is not a must have in the skin care routine but rather an optional add on. 

Here are the most important steps in our skin care: 

1. Cleanser 

2. Mosturiser 

3. Sun screen 

At this point if you are not mind blown, it means that you have everything in order. I vividly recall myself slathering tonnes of products onto my face from toner, serum, essence, moisturiser, masks, sleeping mask sun screen onto my face every single day. Imagine how obese my skin would have become if our skin would put on weight with junk skin care.... 

With all that information, I've decided to sell/give away my toner and essences which did not benefit my skin condition. On top of that, I've also learnt that fragrance is a big no no in our skin care. This is especially important if you have sensitive skin like yours truly who tends to react to random things. Fragrance in the form of essential oils, parfumes etc can potentially irritate your skin and cause red bumps (yucks) and worsen acne.  

After contacting and sending her pictures of my horrendous looking skin, she patiently recommended me only 4 products (one of which is optional) to help to clear my skin. I also took pictures of the current skin care products I'm using and she told me which ones to cut off from my life. The experience was great as she was not pushy and did not recommend things I did not need. She explained the need for each different product and also mentioned that serum is not something that is necessary right now but if I would like to add it into my regime, it's ok too. So anyways, I got myself the cleanser, moisturiser and a sunscreen - all of which are fragrance free :) Oh, she said I could continue to use my mandelic acid toner (an AHA exfoliant) at night to help smoothen out my skin. 

She reassured me that NO MATTER what happens, I gotta keep to this new skin care diet for 14 days in order to see results. Should there be little to no improvement after 14 days with regards to my bumpy skin, she would recommending adding a BHA product into my regime. We shall see! Shall post a before and after photo for comparison and keep sake after 14 days :) stay tune! 

The 3 products cost me $80 dollars (free shipping!). Considering the price and the quantity of the product, I would say that it is in the mid range of being affordable. However, after doing some quick search on shoppee, I've managed to find cheaper options there. I guess it's justified for Fickle Beauty to charge a little bit more given that she gives tailored advice :) For that, I think I might just continue to purchase from her to support her. 

It has been about 3-4 days since I've started my new skin care routine and I must say that my skin looks less irritated and inflamed. The hormonal acne that I had are slowly fading and while there are still some visible bumps on my skin, I think (?) they are getting lesser. Fingers crossed! Will update again 14 days later, bye! 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

TOPIK 1 한국어 시험 :)

Hello! It has been a while since I've posted something as I was busy with studying for my Korean proficiency exam TOPIK 1. I finally took it today and yes it is done (for now). 

It was rather surreal to be sitting in an examination hall, faced with a Korean exam script because I would have never thought that I would be doing this even one year ago. Signing up for the test itself was rather impulsive because I felt that at that point of time, I needed something to challenge myself with. 

Before I even started studying Korean language, I did seek some opinions of people around me whether I should be studying Korean in the first place. Reasons why I should not study it was rather compelling - no practical usage, not going Korea to study, waste of time, will just give up after a while etc. To be honest, I was a little discouraged then when I heard all these and it kinda resisted me from signing up for any courses. However, looking back, I am definitely not regretting my decision and bravery for jumping out of my comfort zone and pursuing an interest even if there are no obvious tangible and practical benefits to it. 

Learning a new language has been a fruitful journey (still learning humbly because there's just wayyyy too much to learn :)) and I'm thankful for this experience because it has humbled me in many ways. It has taught me how to appreciate Korean cultural better, watch Korean cartoons and actually laughing at their korean dialogues etc. I don't even know where to begin to explain the little joys during this learning journey. Of course, the journey has not been entirely smooth sailing - there were times where I questioned my sanity as to why I am even learning Korean and times where I felt that I should give up when things got tough. However, I'm glad I've persevered and I hope that I would be able to continue to do so!

Apart from these little nuggets of joy, I would also like to encourage anyone to just go ahead and pursue your interests. Really. There will always be aunties, uncles, friends (whoever you can think of) who would discourage you from going for something you want just because they are limited by their world view. But hey, we are only limited by what we limit ourselves to right? The world is bigger than whatever we can comprehend and although it is scary, it is ok to push ourselves out of our comfort zones sometimes. Perhaps you would be able to discover something greater out there and get to know that you are capable of much bigger things. 

This would be a reminder to myself that when I am learning something new, do not let naysayers deter you. Don't give in to your insecurities, we are meant to push the invisible boundaries that we thought restricted us. However, as we adopt the growth mindset, there is really nothing we cannot do (legal things ah). I'm not here to brag about the achievement or what, just really want to share and encourage everyone to take the leap of faith and do whatever you have always wanted to do. Be it drawing, dancing, a new sport etc, just do it! You will never know what you could ever achieve unless you try to do it :) 

Another take away is that we don't necessary have to do something that is productive or practical. Life is more than being a output machine and we are more than being just measured by what we could contribute. Granted, learning this new language does not have any tangible benefits - it does not help me with my line of work, neither would it help with my daily lives, but what I've gained is a new perspective to this world, an enjoyment of a beautiful language and most importantly, watching K-drama without subtitles eventually. hehe. Don't let people's yardstick be our yardsticks. I guess we are all used to living the prim and proper life and follow the life charted out for us. However, we would never be able to discover the wild flowers blooming at the corner of the sidewalk if we decide not to be courageous and venture. 

In life, there will always be tons of people giving you advice whether you asked for it or not. E.g. When to get a bf, when to get married, how to give birth, how to feed the child, how many children you have, how you should be a female, how you should dress etc. IMO, just screw it. This is our lives and we ought to be focused and live authentically and genuinely. Take the good advice and filter out the useless chatter. Live freely :) 

Alright, that's all for the random and rather out of point blog post that went from Korean test to life LOL. I'm excited about how things would turn out and I really can't wait for the day that I would be able to watch K-drama without subtitles :) 화아팅! 

Monday, March 22, 2021



上周在图书馆闲逛的时候,无意间看到了这一本书。这是关于心理和自我调节的书。而作者是希望读者阅读后,能够构建更新的自我认知,让幸福成为生活的常态。 以下便是在下小小的感想~




若要活成自我,就别总是在别人的定义中寻找自我。人的定义总是会改变,而重复的改变只会使我们迷失自己,乱了自我的定义。首先,我们得给自己拟定位置 - 而这个位置是别人不能随便去更改的。因为这是自己拟定的自我定义。其二,打从心里的去明白自己的价值观是什么。别人的价值观是可以被参考,但是不能因为自己想要模仿他而把他的价值观成为自己的中心。最后,试着静下心来凝听内心的声音。不要让心声被世界的杂声给淹没了。能够这么做,可能我们能够活得比较明确和自在,因为我们能够慢慢的看清什么是自己真的想要的,和什么是从外面投向我们的绳子。



Monday, March 8, 2021




从小到大,我总是追这别人的影子长大。我以为如果我能够成为某某人,或者成为父母心中的某某成功人士,我便会快了。但我渐渐的意识到,就算我成功地抵达那目的地,其实我一点也不快了。反而,心中产生迷惑和失落。那么久以来,我一直以别人的标准为自己的标准 - 难怪生活中好像越来越迷茫。 


比如说,我一直以来都很想学习新的语言,而那次看上的语言便是韩语。当我问问周围人的想法时,得到的确实些负面的想法。他们都说学习这些东西没什么用处。原因是因为我都不在韩国,都没有打算去韩国,或者说根本没有练习韩语的机会,学了实在是浪费金钱时间。一开始我真的动摇了。我本打算放弃这想法 - 可能真的不实际?可是想来想去,我还是决定去报名学习韩语课程了。值得庆幸的是,至今我并没有后悔过。反而,我在这学习的过程中获得非常多的收获,很高兴我并没有因别人的否定而放弃自己的初中。 

在人生道路中,一定会有我们的支持者和否定者。虽然说我们不应该完全的忽略否定者的意见,但我们要试着从中吸取精华,去除糟粕。该听的我们便听,不该接受的意见就让它随风而去吧。从大学时期开始,我便以为毕业后就得像别的成功人士一样去考研究院才算得上有一番成就。但我也渐渐的明白,那是别人的路,别人的选择 - 我不必以他们的人生结构为自己的标准。 




Sunday, February 28, 2021

Thoughts on brevity of life

    It is rather unnerving to see news of people having unnatural deaths recently. It's as if there is a curse placed when there is string of deaths occurring. The recent events of people dying at totally unexpected situations, people who toyed with danger and just mere accidents got me thinking about how fragile and temporal our existence could be. 

    In Psalm 90:12 the Psalmist cried out to the Lord to teach us to number our days so that we may gain wisdom. In the midst of hundreds over verses in the book of Psalm, it seemed like a verse which I would casually browse through at my age. I mean, what could possibly happen at my age right? I've barely started living my adulthood! However, as I began to tune in to how brief our lives on earth could be, I began to appreciate the meaning in this verse. No one could absolutely know when the expiry date of our lives would be and the next moment could be the end of our lives. The awareness of the brevity of our lives help us focus on things that are truly important to us. When we know that there is a dateline to our projects, we become more focused and aim to complete the job before the dateline. I think this would apply to our lives if we were to live each day as our last and be prepared before we are gone. 

    I started to reflect if I have been wasting my life on unnecessary pursuits and if I could live my life in an eternal perspective instead. When I viewed my life in this lens, many things which I felt was important became less of a priority while things that used to be less of a priority seemed to have moved up the ladder of importance. 

    This shift in perspective can be described as a rather out of the world experience when I began to view things in the eternal perspective. Questions I would ask myself would be: would this matter in a few years time? Is this really worth the fight and unhappiness? Would I hold this of importance if I knew that today would be my last? Of course, I am far from any saint or enlightened beings in the spectrum of time but I do enjoy such meta-life questions once in a while. It makes find that one thing that is important in the hustles and bustles of life where I tend to just live life as the current pushes me along. As I flow along the currents of life, at least I am aware that this is a journey of no return and the journey forward is the only way I could possibly go. 

    Hence, what this new insight gave me was to live life in the present. There is no point holding on the past hurts and grudges because there is simply no time to waste living in misery. My countdown timer will only get shorter and shorter and every minute spent in misery is one minute less spent in joy and happiness. I guess we often punish ourselves unknowingly by holding to past hurts and mistakes inflicted by our family, friends and other people around us. The hurt has already been inflicted and that person probably has forgotten about it or was never aware of it. So why continue punishing ourselves in our minds? With this thought in mind, I'm learning how to look at my life in a macro-perspective compared to a micro one and it helps me in resolving past conflicts. I am responsible for my own life, happiness and the only way I am going to make this life count is to live in the present and move forward.

    Similar to the previous point, I am also learning how to manage my own reaction towards possible unfairness, injustice and hurt. As I release myself from past unhappiness, I cannot stop future events from happening. However, I am able to control how I choose to respond to future events. Often, I find myself getting angry or annoyed because someone has been rude, difficult and just impossible to please. It is definitely natural to feel angry when I am being disrespected and stepped all over. While I do not agree with being a doormat and that I should always draw clear boundaries with such people, perhaps it is unnecessary to invest too much negative emotions into such situations. When we are presented with negative emotions, we can either choose to entertain it or ignore it. I've started having this internal monologue telling myself that it is not necessarily to get angry in several situations because it does not contribute to improving the situation. Instead, concentrate on what constructive and if there isn't anything I could possibly do about it, I could always manage my own emotions. 

    Lastly, the brevity of life has also reminded me that we are but nomads in this life. Nothing we own now could be ours forever and we are merely tenants on earth. Hence, the materials, fame, money, accolades that we so dearly covet after are meaningless once we are taken away abruptly. While there is nothing wrong in pursuing those in its essence, but do not forget to give back and be a light that shines for others when we still possibly can. It is a reminder to myself to not forget to spend time with those who matter and not to waste time on those who don't. Stop chasing after people/things that generate negative returns, hoping that they will one day make my life worthwhile. The things and people that I have are what I need and I what I need I already have. 

    In line with living a minimalistic and clutter free life, removing the thoughts that clutter my mind will also free myself more. The more we are aware of how ephemeral our lives are, the more crystal clear we would be about what we need in our lives. 

    Stay safe and stay woke :) 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

My Valentines day!

 Chinese New year and valentines day happen to fall on the same day this year but because of COVID and its regulations, things were quite different. 

Valentines day this year was a little bit more special than the previous years although there wasn't really a celebration or the typical flowers gifting. In fact, I found this year's v day closer to heart because we both valued and treasured what was more important - relationship. 

I'm not dissing the flower gifting and candle light dinners going around the globe during V day but for us, as cliche as it sounds, every other day could be valentines day and it need not be the 14 Feb. 

Yes! So there weren't any fancy flowers or atas restaurant dates (we did go to Collins and eat yesterday) but there was a mutual understanding that simple appreciation of each other triumphs all other gifts. 

To me, it signified a sort of emotional growth on my part as I know longer compared myself to my friends on Instagram and how fancy their valentines day was. Although they went on fancy restaurants, received beautiful flowers, jewellery etc, I knew in my heart that I am still contented and happy without those. Life is much lighter when I am not weighed down by much desires. **disclaimer, I'm happy for those who received the gifts, not trying to judge them or what** 

I guess we don't really have to fluff up or enhance any relationship with materials. What's most important in any relationship be it bgr or friendships is that the hearts are close together. While Valentines day is a great day to show appreciation to your other half, don't forget to show love on non special occasions as well :) 

This is a meant to be a short post, so here i am wishing everyone a belated v day and happy chinese new year :)

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Update on Poh Kim Jewellery

 Hello! I'm back with the update on my newly collected rings from Poh Kim Jewellery :)

It took about a month or so from our first appointment for our rings to be done so if brides to be have a short timeline, I think PK may be able to rush for you. The main reason for this fast and furious workmanship (with quality as well) is that they have an in house lab as mentioned in my previous post! I believe that with an in house lab, the quality can be better controlled as well and less time is wasted on delivery etc. From what I know after enquiring with multiple branded jewellery shops, they do not have factories in Singapore to save costs and hence they will have to get their rings from overseas factories. This means that there will be unexpected delays in shipping due to COVID-19, CNY, public holidays etc, which may ultimately affect your ring collection date. 

Here's the outline of today's post:

1. Quality 

2. Service 

3. Cost 

4. Conclusion 

Ok, enough with the side track. Here are our rings !! :) 

I love it!!!! Paiseh, obviously my fingers aren't finger model standard - so just look at the ring ok. 

Definitely worth the weight in gold. When we went around for ring shopping, T and I saw many similar designs with varying prices and weight. One of the jewellery we went to quoted us $1k +++ for the exact same design (1 ring only hor!) and with comparable weight to the one we have now. Another jewellery shop offered a cheaper price but the weight was much lighter than the one we have. This meant that the ring is likely to have a hollow centre (less gold). 

In terms of quality and finish, I think it is comparable to all the big brands we went to and the price was OMG so good! The rings were very well polished and we have nothing to complain about :) happy! The rings came together in a box as shown in the picture above so we did not have to worry about getting another box. Of course, if you want a fancier box on your actual day, you may have to source on tb or something. Otherwise, we are happy with the presentation. 

We booked an appointment to collect our rings on a Saturday. We were served quickly although there were other couples choosing rings etc. No time wasted and efficient service. Recommended! The aunties and uncles were really friendly and created a homely environment. T & I are also considering to return to them to make our Si dian jin (四点金). Oh yes, I forgot to mention that they do have customisation service as well. You can follow them on their instagram page @pohkimjewellery to check out their designs. I believe that they are able to produce anything as long you have an idea of what you want or best still, come with a picture lol. 

Aunty said that should we get fat and the rings cannot fit anymore by the end of the ring, they offer free resizing service! Hopefully T and I will not need to utilise this service ><

In total, our set of rings was $1290. We paid $200 deposit on the first visit and subsequently $1090 when we collected the rings. Payment only by cash, cheque or paynow transfer only. So sorry, no cashback :( overall payment was fuss free. 

While I expected my ring to cost more than T's because of those beautiful and exciting shiny diamonds, it turned out that his was more expensive (not by a lot la). That's probably because he has gigantic hands compared to my miniature version and thus more gold had to be casted into his haha. I love how solid the rings feel in our hands and the price is definitely worth it. 

For the accurate break down of the cost, my ring costs $630 and weighs 2.87g and T's ring cost $660 and weighs 5.30g. GST absorbed by them (kamsahamnida!!!) 

Initially, I was a little worried because almost all the shops I went to quoted us at least $800 plus for this ring design and there was no way we could fit into our budget... but omg, I feel so lucky that PK is able to deliver this design for us at such affordable price! Really really blessed :) 

We chose the flat internal surface for better fit. T and I do not like to feel something on our fingers when wearing the ring and thus the aunty recommended a flat internal surface fit. You can opt for other fits if you wish but if you desire ergonomic comfort fit then I would recommend a flat internal fit! 

We chose an exterior surface that did not have much protrusion so that it wouldn't get caught in gloves should we wear them during work. This is important because we certainly do not want to risk throwing our rings accidentally together with our gloves should they get caught. 

Ultimately, we are very pleased with our purchase and we are about $400 below our budget which we have set initially for our wedding rings. It is possible to find good quality rings within our budget if you seek hard enough. If you are not brand conscious and want to be a prudent budget bride/bridegroom, I highly recommend you guys to check out Poh Kim Jewellery. It is really a hidden gem stone in Singapore and it would be such a pity if people do not discover it. 

After going down to that area for a few times (for my renovation and rings), it is actually very conveniently located, contrary to what I thought! There are many direct buses from Outram, Tiong Bahru, Chinatown and Habourfront MRT. Do check them out and happy planning for your wedding! 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

My journey with IBS - review on TCM

Hello! Today I'm gonna talk about my (unfortunate) journey with IBS which is also known as Irritable Bowel syndrome. 

I remember I used to have an iron stomach - i.e. i could have eaten 3 bowls of rice + other dishes without issues and within a few hours, i'm ready for my next hunt. However, ever since a severe food poisoning episode when I was in Sec 2, my stomach was never the same again. 

Initially after the food poisoning episode, I noticed that i started having on and off periods of constipation and diarrhea. Increasingly, I developed flatulence which often resulted in embarrassing tummy sounds and sulphur packed fart... I really had no idea what was happening then and I could only attribute to my body 'recovering' from the bad food poisoning which lasted for about 2 weeks. 

Before I knew it, I've been living with such uncomfortable condition for at least 10 years. I did try to see a doctor before but I'm often told that it's either I'm stressed, not eating enough fiber, not exercising enough etc etc. But mind you... i do all these yet my condition seemed to have worsened over the years. TBH, I was at wits end because I've tried omeprazole, enzymes, constipation relief pills etc but nothing seemed to help. If it did, it is only temporary and the symptoms would be back with a vengeance lol. I did a lot of research on pubmed, google, youtube whatever and my symptoms seemed to point towards IBS. Although I did not get myself medically diagnosed as having IBS, I knew something wasn't right with me. 

Thus, I decided to try out TCM to see if I could regulate my body back to the norm? I know it definitely does not sound scientific in any way and as a science student and it was rather difficult for me to accept. However, when nothing seemed to work, any solution to me could be a possible light at the end of the tunnel. 

I've visited at least 2-3 other TCMs and each visit would cost me around $80 or more... while symptoms did improve, it didn't last. My only source of 'hope' seemed to be diminishing and I wanted to give up trying tcm. HOWEVER, my ibs problem was soooooo bad after university that whatever I ingest, my stomach bloats up like i'm 9 months pregnant and gosh it was really frustrating. I felt that if I did not find a way to relieve this problem, it's gonna affect my health or my mental health... 

Chia Kit Chay Medical Hall TCM

SO anyways I googled for good TCM around where I stay in 2019 and a blogpost regarding Chia Kit Chay Medical Hall popped up (The blog is no longer available). The blogger talked about how the physician managed to help her conceive despite after undergoing multiple failed attempts of IVF etc. OK, pregnancy and IBS has no relations but heck it, if he can help someone get pregnant even when IVF cannot, I gotta try this!!!

I went with negative expectations due to my previous failed attempts and I told myself that I will just give up if this wasn't gonna work through after 3 months of treatment. The first consultation was rather efficient and doc told my that I have IBS too (yay i'm not a paranoid and crazy patient). He suggested me to go down every week and I had to receive acupuncture + medication as well. He told me that I'm experiencing all these because I have a weak spleen (in the tcm concept) and thus he would have to strengthen my spleen. TBH, it's hard for my brain to wrap around this because I'm too used to western medicine but hey, if tcm has lasted throughout 5000 years of china history, it probably works. 

Did it work??

Lo and behold! After 6 months or so of treatment, my condition kinda stabilised and I no longer have frequent cycles of constipation and diarrhoea. I could also enjoy my food much better now without bloating up like I'm pregnant. Apart from that, my energy levels has improved greatly and I no longer feel so lethargic despite having a full 8 hours of sleep. Seriously thank god for sending this amazing doc and I really really cannot imagine myself struggling with this problem for the rest of my life!! Quality of life has drastically improved for me after my IBS has stabilised and I could feel that I am less irritable as a person as well. 

I went religiously every week from Nov 2019 until dengue strike in April 2020 and I was forced to take a hiatus of about 1 month. That's when I realised that my body was no longer 100% dependent on his medication/treatment for me to feel ok. This translate to the fact that my condition has improved! I still visit him now and then for other stuff and also to keep this problem at bay - but it's at most twice a month now :) 

About the physician

I found Physician Chia very frank but friendly. Instead of just treating my IBS problem, he treated me as a whole which I found different compared to other TCM I've visited. He shows genuine care to his patients and it was almost like meeting an old friend everytime i go for review haha. Whenever he finds patients in bad mood, he will often try to counsel them and advice them to look on the brighter side of things. I think this is something I really appreciate because after going for his treatment and AKA counselling sessions, his snippets of wisdom on life has rubbed off me a little. So if you are looking for a caring and zai physician, look no further! 


The cost is definitely not cheap considering that I had to go down every single week. Each session was about $78 and it was a serious pinch to my wallet. However, as the saying goes that health is wealth, I'm actually very glad that at this point of time, my wealth is still able to buy me back my health and a peaceful stomach. With a fixed cost of $312 for TCM, I certainly had to cut down on other areas of my expenses to tide through. BUT IT IS WORTH IT!

IBS and ME now 

I guess IBS will always have a symbiotic relationship with me whether I like it or not. But at least it is a tamed kitty now. Although I do have some occasions where there is severe flatulence, the issue isn't as serious as before and I can live with this minor inconvenience. Living with a chronic condition isn't easy and it takes a lot of self motivation to overcome the pain and frustration. It is about learning how to cope with the problem mentally and also physically. To me, that would be to understand what are my triggers and how I could possible tweak my lifestyle to better manage the disease. 

I still experience basal bloating after I eat now, but at least it is manageable. I remember the bloating used to be so bad everyday that I could only wear loose preggy looking clothes because I did not want anyone else to notice my enlarged tummy. Fortunately now, I could at least wear some figure hugging clothes on good days :) 

What worked for me 

Stress was a major factor that contributed to the severity of my symptoms. Thus, I knew I had to regulate my stress levels. This included regular exercise (cardio, hiit, weights, yoga etc), journalling and deep breathing exercises. Not only did it help with my bloating, it improved my sleep and energy level as well. 

I began a log book on what triggers worsening of my bloating/diarrhoea/constipation and try to reduce the intake of these food. I tried my best to go on a low FODMAP food. While complete abstinence could be a solution, the physician also felt that maintaining a good quality of life is still important :) thank goodness I do not have to bid farewell to ice cream, desserts and spicy food :> Portion control is also important because overeating will certainly cause bloating even in normal people. I've noticed that banana and kiwi are especially effective for me to have normal bowel habits in the morning and thus have included them into my regular meals :) I'll share more in another post on specific changes I've made to my lifestyle. 

If you are struggling with IBS and would like to try TCM, you could try Mr Chia out! However, do note that he does not take appointments and every visit is strictly by walk ins only. Try to be early as he is very popular - the queue tends to balloon up within 30 minutes of opening. He is located near the selegie soyabean and diagonally opposite the famous Ponggol Nasi Lemak. The nearest MRT station is Kovan MRT and there are several buses that service that area also. I've included the address below, you can google to find out about his opening hours. Closed on Wednesdays and Public holidays. 

Chia Kit Chay Medical Hall: 1010-A Upper Serangoon Rd, Singapore 534748

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

5 things I will stop buying in 2021

It has almost been 2 weeks since 2021 started and I guess many people has thrown in some new year resolution into their routine as well! As for me, I think goals have to be specific in order for me to follow them and here are the 5 things that I think I should stop buying in 2021 :)

1. Cosmetics 

To begin with, I don't think I own that many cosmetics. Currently, I only own the Laneige cushion, colourpop eyeliner, some make up brushes, colour palette and eye shadow palette. Sadly, I've come to a conclusion that I really will not wear make up on a daily basis and there is no point for me to buy an array of cosmetics... it wouldn't really change my innate laziness to put on some makeup before I leave the house haha. Therefore, in other not to waste the existing make up, I've decided to try my best to finish them up and not add anything to the current collection. I am 100% sure that these products would either turn mouldy or expire way before I manage to finish them. 

Ever since COVID started and mask wearing has become mandatory, I've only put on my BB cushion ONCE(?!) and I still didn't like the feeling of having my make up rubbed off onto my mask. So really kudos to those warriors out there who doll themselves up nicely before they leave the house each day. I.really.cant. and I am just plain lazy >:

2. Beauty products 

I used to have this obsession with J-beauty, k-beauty and whatever beauty products that the market throws at me. I was a staunch believer of whatever routines that were thrown at me because I thought it could get my skin to be clearer and brighter. Hence, my beauty products included facial toner, essence, serum, eye cream, face cream, spot reducing cream, sleeping cream and sunblock (in the day). However, some way along last year, I've noticed that instead of getting clearer skin, it seemed that my skin had little bumps growing on it (yikes!) and perhaps it was getting saturated from the amount of stuff I slather onto my skin. 

I'm not denying the benefits of the different products but somehow I felt that my skin became better as I began to cut down on the number of products I use. Currently, I am only using toner, face cream +/- sunblock and occasionally some face mask. While I still have 3 different toners and 2 different face cream, I am trying to finish the bottles and focus on maximum 2 products each line in future. 

Cutting down on the steps of my skin care frees up time as well as mental space, which can be used to focus on more important or meaningful things (like blogging!). There is also less FOMO-ness as I used to catch up on what is the latest beauty trend. Life seems much simpler right now and I think my skin is loving it :) 

3. Fast fashion

As you all know, I cleared out almost 3-4 bags of my old clothes previously and many of them belonged to the fast fashion category. 

I used to LOVE going to Bugis street or buying from those $10-20 dollars clothing stores. These clothes are often in fashion and the price tag doesn't cause a huge damage to my wallet. However, what I failed to realise about fast fashion is that - they come and go. The materials used are often not of top quality, which is justified by the price tag, and cannot be worn over a long periods of time. This creates financial and environmental wastage. 

By avoiding fast fashion, I can channel my resources into better use: buy better quality clothes which can be worn multiple times and on different occasions :)

4. Shoes 
I could be a caterpillar in my previous life, I do not know... I still have 2 pairs of pazzion shoes in my room unworn since 2019 because the current pairs of shoes I have are still serving me relatively well. Oh, this brings me to another point that when buying shoes, one should also try to buy good quality shoes. While the pazzion shoes are darn expensive (~$80-90) per pair on average, I'm quite confident that I would be able to wear them for at least 2-3 years before needing a new pair. This is compared to my $15-$30 dollars pasat/taobao/ezbuy shoes which would often fall apart/delaminate after wearing <1 year or worse still <6 months after being insulted by rain :(

Similarly, I also have a pair of Onisuka tiger shoes that I've been wearing for 2 years plus now and it's still serving me really well. Although it has began to show signs of fatigue like holes at the back of the shoes, I must say that it has been a faithful servant haha. 

If you guys are looking for reliable working shoes, I highly recommend Pazzion! While they are expensive, their shoes have been one of the most comfortable shoes I've worn and my feet are blessed to have found them. Taking $90 as the cost price and if you are able to wear them for at least 3 years, it would be priced at $30 per year! Definitely a steal! 

When they say 一分钱一分货,it's really true!

5. Bags 

Writing this post really reminds me of my shopaholic tendencies when I was younger. I remember rather vividly how I really wanted to buy a few bags such as the rattan bags that was highly raved a few years back, and my soul was not calmed till I got my hands on it. However, shortly after getting it, the excitement worn off and now the poor bag is just sitting inside my cupboard. When my desires are controlled by materials, it is difficult to stay contented because there will always be more things that I can want. 

Moving on, I would continue to make use of the bags that I currently own and try not to add any additional ones into my stash unless I manage to give away/sell the ones that I already have. Even so, the bag should be functional, multi-purpose and versatile. This reduces the need for different types of bag and reduces clutter in my house. Again, I am also trying to move away from buying cheap and poor quality bags because they really do not last. My friend's bugis bag lasted for a week(?) while mine lasted for max 5 wears. 

I often overvalue how much an item could bring happiness to me. However, in reality these things will never confer the kind of lasting joy my soul longs for. We are but just nomads in this life and I am trying to remind myself to live light and enjoy the sceneries instead. I hope to adjust my life so that it is less cluttered and my mind would be freer to pursue what really satisfies. 

So here are the 5 things I would (*hopefully*) stop buying in 2021. What are some of yours? 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Disney Pixar Soul




1. 追求的目标不能是我们人生的全部

很多时候,我们总会把我们的目标变成我们人生的全部。比如说,我们为了在事业上干一份成就,成天废寝忘食,忽略了家人朋友和自己。电影的主角便是这样:为了能够获取上爵士舞台表演,他仿佛满脑子只有爵士。任何事物都入不了他的眼。即便去剪头发时,也只有和发型师了爵士的话题,根本没有注意到可能发型师也有自己想要分享的话题。在男主角的世界里,仿佛只有爵士才能让他生活。但是,很纳闷的是:当男主角成功的登上舞台的时候,他发现自己好想没有想象中的那般喜悦。反而,他自问:“接下来该怎么办?”。朋友回答说:“就这样,每晚回来同样的舞台表演吧。” 这时的他,感觉现实好像没有和梦想对称。。。


2. 记得在人生的旅途中欣赏风景



3. 没有一个人生出来就有附来使命


其实没有一个人生出来就有附来使命。人生是一个旅程而不是重点。不要一味的追求什么人生宗旨和使命,而好好的体验人生的每一个阶段。把生活活得最干脆,最开心就好。或许人生便是这样的一般,就算我们争取多少金银珠宝我们的心也总会有一部分不完美。与其想尽办法想把那一块缺陷给填补,以为那便是我们毕生所追求的 ‘使命’,不如把心静下来而好好的体会生活吧。不要为了那 ‘使命’ 而折腾自己。或许我们的使命便是活在当下,活出最灿烂和真是的自己。或许我们对生活的态度从容了,‘使命’ 便会登上门了?


Friday, January 1, 2021

Things I would do differently in 2021

 Looking forward into the new year, there are things which I hope I can improve on and things which I would do differently. 


It is my prayer that God would help me to be more desperate for Him. Make my desire, passion and purpose be Christ and not of the world. Purify my intentions and make them pure so that they will be pleasing aroma to you. I pray that I will be aided in my spiritual disciplines because what a great sinner and wanderer I am. While I'll definitely not drift into holiness, I pray that I will be pulled back by your grace should I drift away from your holiness. 

Thankful for my friend who have gifted me the one year bible and the study book ~ been always wanting to help my lazy and undisciplined self to finish reading the bible in one year. Praying that I will be more intentional in spending quiet time and meditating on His words and not just rushing through it like it's part of my checklist. 

More of you and less of me in the year 2021 :)


I hope I can learn to be kinder to myself by not entertaining self depleting comments whenever something goes wrong. It takes patience and grace with myself to forgive my own mistakes and accept that I can never be perfect. And that's really okay. 

Being less judgemental and critical of others. We are all only human and none of us can declare that we are infallible. Who am I then to sit on my high horse to condemn others of their mistakes when I make mistakes as well? Perhaps part of growing up also means learning to accept people for who they are and not to be too quick to jump to a judgement. 


I guess as we start to get use to work and are settled down, we can become bored of the mundane and repetitive things. But yes I am really thankful that I still have a job despite the terrible economic outlook from Covid-19. 

Something I would like to do differently would be grumble less and to do things to the best of my ability. Grumbling seems to decrease my willingness to serve and do my best. And I hope that I would go through this year with Colossians 3:23 in mind that whatever my hands find to do, do it heartily, as to the Lord , and not unto men. 

While God has not promised a smooth sailing life for us after becoming Christians, we are promised to have our rewards in heaven. Man may not see our hard work or may even be scornful towards us despite our purest intentions. However, I pray that I will commit my work unto His hands and let my soul find rest in Him. 


Going forward, I hope to develop a growth mindset where I shall regard every challenge or difficulty as an opportunity for growth and development. This would also translate to less grumbling in the year ahead and to be more at peace even if the situation does not seem to go my way. While I seek to improve in different aspects of my life, I also want to learn how to be more content with what I am blessed with. Contentment probably wouldn't fall into my lap easily and it is much easier for me to see what I am lacking compared to what I am blessed with. Hence, I hope to be intentional about this and to find something I am thankful for and give thanks for it everyday. 

In the new year, I hope to slowly lay aside the heart of comparison and envy. While I think certain amount of comparison is necessary to see what I may improve on, excessive comparison is unhealthy and would plunge me into a state of despair. This includes active comparison on my side where I compare myself with others and also passive comparison whereby people compare themselves to me. Laying aside the weight of comparison would liberate myself from the state of insufficiency and I would not have to live life through perpetual anxiety. Everyone is different and everyone has their own unique set of challenges and struggles. What they present on social media are curated truths and one will never be able to know what's going on exactly in their lives. Therefore, it is futile to look at that facade and conclude that my life is less worthy or less happening compared to theirs and feel unhappy. I am enough. God is enough and has provided me whatever I already need. It is always easier to see what I am lacking and feel uneasy instead of being thankful of what I already have because I am often so ungrateful! Moving forward, I hope to cultivate a thankful and contented heart :) 

The next thing I would like to change would be the mindset of penny wise, pound foolish. I'm really guilty of this because I love to purchase cheap and affordable things, fooling myself into thinking that I've gotten a real bargain when in actual fact, would pay to spend more thereafter. What do I mean by this? I've realised that buying cheap and poor quality products may save me some costs initially but these things tend to need more replacements often and the total cost may end up more than just getting one pricier but better quality product. Examples would be buying fast fashion on ezbuy, cotton on, bugis etc. While the prices are attractive, the material tends to fray easily and sadly, cheap products will tend to look cheap. I'm not saying that it's impossible to buy good deals and good products if the price is cheap, but i think the chances are slimmer from my own experience. I hope to take this new mindset to my house renovation and try not to just go for the cheapest materials possible because I do not want things to break down almost immediately after I start to stay on lol. 

Finally, as an extension of learning to be more contented with what I already have, I want to start adopting the mindset of having less is more. Instead of having additions to my existing life, I would want to subtract things from my life. This helps me focus on things that I absolutely need and not entrench myself in a cycle of want. When my wants get lesser, I am able to focus more on my needs. This helps me to generate less wastage and be a more mindful consumer and better steward of my resources. 

So that's all for now, wishing everyone a happy 2021 ahead :)  


 最近好像是昏昏噩噩的让时间漂流。时儿清醒,时儿发呆。有时候也纳闷,努力到底是为了什么成就?成就背后的心酸有谁能了解;成就过后的云烟有谁能留得住? 今天早上我终于写了我的韩文作文😅 2-3月去了我才交上我的稿,真实惭愧哈哈。现在我的韩文情况我也不知道如何描述。。。不进也不退吧。...